
Enter your State SSO/Active Directory user name and password.
Enter your State SSO/Active Directory user name and password.

LEA Insights is supported with latest version of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox browsers.

ADE Users
Please enter your username in the form of ade\jdoe

District and Co-Op Users
Please enter your State Active Directory credentials (e.g. 8080jdoe). The e-mail address associated with your State Active Directory account must be registered as one of the following in SIS LEA Profile for your district or co-op:
  • Superintendent (Coordinator Code='U')
  • Assistant Superintendent (Coordinator Code='X')
  • SIS eSchoolPlus Coordinator (Coordinator Code='S')
  • SIS eFinancePlus Coordinator (Coordinator Code='F')
  • Technology Coordinator (Coordinator Code='T')
  • Testing Coordinator (Coordinator Code='C')
  • CTE Coordinator (Coordinator Code='Z')
  • Transportation Director/Bus Inspector (Coordinator Code='B')
  • Facilities / Maintenance Director (Coordinator Code='0' (Zero))
School Users
The e-mail address associated with your State Active Directory account must be registered as a Principal (Coordinator Code='P') in the SIS LEA Profile for your district.

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